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Contributed by: Vincent N. Darlage.
![]() "The door was opened, and the speaker burst into the room –- a lean, wiry man in a white djebbeh, dark skinned, the whites of his eyes gleaming…. He was shorter than Tuthmes, and the Negroid was more predominant in his features.." -- Robert E. Howard: "The Snout in the Dark" ![]() Afari is a noble who frequents the court of the king. He is also an informant and contact for Tuthmes (Tuthmes is his ally). He is short, lean and wiry, with predominantly Negroid features overshadowing his Stygian caste. He has already begun a rather extensive network of contacts. Gregarious and socially adept, Afari rarely will intentionally antagonise anyone –- he never knows who he might need a favour from later, and he refuses to burn proverbial bridges before he needs them. He has a tendency to be a little free with praise and optimism and he becomes careless and sentimental when under pressure. He fears losing social acceptance and his own sense of self-worth. He tries to influence others through the use of praise and favours, always bringing opportunities to those who might be able to use them. He judges others by their verbal skills, thinking little of those who barely speak Stygian or Kushite. He has access to a wide range of people, including Ageera and other Gallah leaders. Afari, Noble of Kush Hit Dice: 5d8-5 (21 hp) Initiative: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 Reflex) Speed: 30 ft. Dodge Defence: 13 (+1 level, +2 Dex) Parry Defence: 12 (+2 level, +0 Str) DR: 0 (no armor) Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +3/+3 Attack: Stygian bow +5 ranged Damage: Stygian bow 1d12 (19-20/x2, AP 2) Special Attacks: +1 bonus to attack rolls with war spear and hunting bow Special Qualities: Chaga traits, title, rank hath its privileges, wealth, special regional feature +1 (bonus to Perform (ritual) and craft (alchemy)), social ability (Ally), lead by example +2 Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 12 Skills: Appraise +6, Bluff +5, Craft (alchemy) +7, Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +7, Handle Animal +5, Hide +3*, Knowledge (royalty) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Listen +2*, Move Silently +3*, Perform (ritual) +6, Ride +6, Search +4, Sense Motive +12, Spot +2*, Survival +6* Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Stygian bow), Investigator, Mounted Combat, Negotiator, Track Reputation: 6 (Coward) Leadership: – Code of Honour: None Allegiances: Tuthmes, King of Kush Possessions: White djebbah, Stygian bow, 12 arrows. Notes: The skills marked with an asterisk includes a +1 circumstance bonus for being in a hot environment. ![]() |