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Adventures of the Hyborian Age
Adventures from the Conan Saga
These are adventures based on the Conan stories by Robert E. Howard (as well as some of the pastiches by de Camp and others). Wesley Connally has written and edited the majority of these adventures.
Thulsa's Original Adventures
These adventures are published under the Xoth.Net Publishing imprint. Written and designed by Thulsa.
- XP1 The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery: This massive, 200-page book is a collection of ten blood-red sword and sorcery adventures, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers!
- XP2 Song of the Beast-Gods: A stand-alone adventure module for character levels 2-3. Can you unravel the mysteries of accursed Khadis -- and live to tell the tale?
- XP3 The Citadel beyond the North Wind: A stand-alone adventure module for character levels 8-10. The minions of Arkanth Mal, the Witch-King of Yg, sweep across the borders of Tharag Thule and Lamu, slaying men and taking only young women as slaves back to Galuga, the Citadel beyond the North Wind!
Thulsa's Classic Conversions
This is a series of conversions of classic D&D adventures, adapted to swords and sorcery gaming using the Conan RPG rules. Conversion and graphic design by Thulsa.
- HD2 The Shrine of the Black Ones: This is an homage to the original classic adventure module, "D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa", by Gary Gygax, reimagined for sword and sorcery gaming in Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age. 7MB PDF Document.
- HD3 The City of the Spider-God: This is an homage to the original classic adventure module, "D3 Vault of the Drow", by Gary Gygax, reimagined for sword and sorcery gaming in Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age. 17MB PDF Document.
- HS4 The Lost Caverns of Acheron: This is an homage to the original classic adventure module, "S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth", by Gary Gygax, reimagined for sword and sorcery gaming in Robert E. Howard’s Hyborian Age. 9MB PDF Document.
Other Conversions
- Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia - Conversion Notes for the Conan RPG: Written for standard d20/3.5E rules, this adventure by can easily be adapted to the Hyborian Age and the rules of the Mongoose Conan RPG. Here are some notes to assist in such a conversion.
- CB1 Conan Unchained: This is a 3E conversion of the 1st Edition "CB1: Conan Unchained" adventure by TSR, Inc. You will need the original module to make use of this conversion.
- CB2 Conan Against Darkness: This is a 3E conversion of the 1st Edition "CB2: Conan Against Darkness" adventure by TSR, Inc. You will need the original module to make use of this conversion.
Other Adventures
Adventures which are set in the Hyborian Age, but are not adaptations of the REH stories, will be placed here. Submissions are welcome!
- Slaver's Caravan: An original Hyborian Age adventure by Craig Tidwell. Suitable for a party of four 1st- or 2nd-level characters, this adventure is designed to bring a disparate group of characters together into an adventuring band. It features the introduction of a possible recurring villain and some combat encounters. The main focus is on familiarizing the players with the Hyborian Age setting with its new rules, but also allows for some creative roleplaying. 1MB Word Document.