Encounter Tables

Contributed by: Thulsa (). This is a work under construction, below is a basic encounter list (based on the Kings of Hyboria game).

D12		Notes
1		Bossonian Archers
2		Gunderman Spearmen
3		Thandaran Rangers
4		Black Dragon Elite Troops
5		Black Legion Bodyguards
6		General
7		Priest of Mitra
8		Outposts & Walled Cities
9		Rich Agriculture
10		Organized Trade & Currency
11-12		Internal Disputes

Notes: Includes the Provinces of Gunderland, Poitan,
Bossonian Marches, Westermark, Tauran

D12		Notes
1		Peltasts
2		Marines	
3		Hoplites
4		Phalanx
5		Warrior
6		Oracle
7-8		Triremes
9		Wine & Olives
10		Sea Trade
11-12		Ghoul-haunted Forests

D12		Notes
1-3		Hunters
4-6		Blonde Haired Fighters
7		Berserker
8		Ice Witch
9-12		Winter Wasteland

D12		Notes
1-2		Pirates
3		Buccaneers
4		Pirate Captain
5		Sea Hag
6-8		Pirate Ships
9		Piracy
10-12		Treacherous Waters	

Notes: Also Lemuria

D12		Notes
1-4		Savages
5-6		Noble Savages
7		War Chief
8		Witchman 
9		Corsairs
10		Slavery
11-12		Jungle

Notes: Also the Land of no Return, including Suba,
Atlata, Amazon, Kordafa, Wadai, Komara

D12		Notes
1-2		Nemedian Tribes
3-4		Virunian Tribes
5-6		Cimmerian Tribes
7		Rogue Hero
8		Warlock
9-12		Bogs & Marshes

D12		Notes
1-6		Levied Troops
7		Heavy Cavalry
8		Horseman
9		Elementalist
10		Slave Girls
11-12		Open Plains

D12		Notes
1-3		Raiders
4-5		War Party
6-7		Barbarian
8		Shaman of Crom
9-12		Mountains

D12		Notes
1-3		City Watch
4		City Guard
5		Captain of the Guard
6		Sorcerer
7		City States
8		Road of Kings
9		Trade & Craftsmen
10-12		Rugged & Mountainous

D12		Notes
1-5		Cannibals
6-7		Demon Worshipers
8		Chaos Warrior
9		Diabolist
10-12		Primitive

D12		Notes
1-2		Monks
3-4		Afghulis Rebels
5		Leader
6		Black Seer
7-12		Sheer Cliffs

Notes: Also Talakma Mountains (Meru Peoples)

D12		Notes
1-3		Guards
4-5		Slave Raiders
6		Assassin
7		White Hand Wizard
8		Ancient Stone Keeps
9		Slavery 
10-12		Cold Tundra	

D12		Notes
1-4		Kuagir Nomads
5-6		Horse Warriors
7		Khan
8		Priest of Erlik the Yellow God of Death
9		Plunder 
10-12		Barren Steppes

Notes: Also the Great Desert & the Eastern Desert

D12		Notes
1-4		Foot Soldiers
5-6		Camel Riders
7		Yezmite Assassin
8		Son of Yezm Cultist
9		Exotic Delicacies
10		Galleys
11-12		Deserts

Notes: Also Kosala

D12		Notes
1-5		Lesser Caste
6		Servants of Bit-Yakin
7		Overlord
8		Priest of the Oracle
9-12		Primitive			

D12		Notes
1-4		Aboriginal Militia
5		Nobles
6		Steward
7		Red Crescent Witch
8		Prosperous Agriculture
9-12		Small Country	

D12		Notes
1-4		Standing Army
5		Zaheemi Tribe
6		Guardian
7		Archmagi
8		Taxation of Caravans
9-12		Small Country

D12		Notes
1-3		Archers
4		Junks
5-6		Giant Sabermen
7		Warrior Monk
8		Priest of Yag-Kosha
9		Exquisite Artisanship
10		Great Wall
11-12		Isolationist

D12		Notes
1-4		Infantry
5-6		Cavalry
7		Champion
8		Priest of Ishtar
9		Tunnels & Citadels
10		Central Location
11-12		Active Volcanoes

D12		Notes
1-4		Rogue Horsemen
5-6		Raider Band
7		Hetman
8		Pirates of the Vilayet Sea
9-12		Turanian Steppes Outlaws

D12		Notes
1-4		Spearmen
5-6		Armored Warriors
7		Sword Master
8		Spirit Master
9		Silks & Precious Metals 
10		Junks
11-12		Internal Warfare

Notes: Also Uttara Kuru

D12		Notes
1-4		Regiments
5-6		Black Spearmen
7		Commander
8		Witchfinder
9		Corsairs
10		Craftsmen & Trademen
11-12		Dry Grasslands

D12		Notes
1-4		Feudal Troops
5-6		Free Companies
7		Adventurer
8		Scholar
9		Great Kingdom
10		Treasure Houses
11-12		Harsh Laws

D12		Notes
1-3		Bows & Pikes
4-5		Shock Troops
6		Strong Keeps
7		Myrmidon
8		Magician
9-10		Mines of Gold & Gemstones
11-12		Many Wars

D12		Notes
1-3		Naked Warriors
4-6		Warband
7		Strong Leader
8		Ligurean Mystic
9		Marauders
10-11		Untracked Wilderness
12		Kill Strangers

D12		Notes
1-3		Arms Bearers
4-5		Emperors Guard
6		Slayer
7		Fire Wizard
8-9		River Gold
10-12		Deserts

D12		Notes
1		Zuagir Nomads
2		Bandits
3		Dervishes
4		Desert Raiders
5		Asshuri Mercenary Cavalry
6		Scourge
7		Black Ring Cultist
8		Sea Robbers
9		Caravans
10-12		Independent Areas

D12		Notes
1-3		Heavy Infantry
4-5		Scythed Chariots
6		Serpentine General
7		Black Circle Wizard
8		Children of Set
9		Styx Barge
10		Gray Lotus
11-12		Great Evil & Decadence

D12		Notes
1-4		Soldiers
5-6		Imperial Guards
7		Zealot
8		Alchemist
9		Purpled Sailed Ships
10		Great Kingdom
11-12		Internal Intrigues

D12		Notes
1-3		Hunters
4-5		Red Bearded Warriors
6		Pathfinder
7		Shaman of Ymir the Frost Giant
8		Slavers
9-12		Tundra

D12		Notes
1-4		War Host
5-6		War Elephants
7		Armsman
8		Hermit of Jelai
9		Good Agriculture
10		Skiffs
11-12		Bureaucracy

D12		Notes
1-4		Cut-Throats
5-6		Fanatics
7		Rogue
8		Priests of Yezud
9		Crime & Vices
10-12		Intrigue & Despotism

D12		Notes
1-5		Tribesmen
6-7		Veterans
8		Warlord
9		Priest of Dagon
10-12		Primitive

D12		Notes
1-3		Soldiers
4-5		Swordsmen
6		Duelist
7		Enchanter
8-9		Freebooters
10		Sea Trade
11-12		Feuds & Civil Wars