Hyborian Age Mailing ListWhat is the Hyborian Age mailing list?A mailing list has been set up to serve as a discussion forum for all things related to Hyborian Age roleplaying campaigns. The list will also be used to announce updates to the site. The list is called hyborialist@xoth.net. Join the list today! How do I subscribe to the mailing list?To subscribe to the mailing list, send an empty e-mail to hyborialist-subscribe@xoth.net. You will receive a confirmation e-mail back from the mailing list letting you know how to confirm your subscription to the mailing list. How do I unsubscribe from the mailing list?To unsubscribe, send an empty e-mail to hyborialist-unsubscribe@xoth.net. Then reply to the confirmation e-mail. You will then be sent another e-mail letting you know that you were removed from the mailing list. How do I send messages to the mailing list?All you need to do is send an e-mail to hyborialist@xoth.net with a subject and a message in the body of the e-mail. If your message isn't accepted by the mailing list, then it will send your e-mail back telling you why it failed. How do I reply to a message on the mailing list?Simply reply to the message you receive from the mailing list. How do I get digests a few times a week?To subscribe to the digest send an e-mail to hyborialist-digest-subscribe@xoth.net. How do I unsubscribe from the digest?Same manner as unsubscribing from a mailing list. Send an empty e-mail to hyborialist-digest-unsubscribe@xoth.net. You will get a confirmation e-mail. How do I contact the list owner?You contact the list owner by mailing the "owner" address. Send your e-mail to hyborialist-owner@xoth.net. Only e-mail the owner if you need help or have a technical problem -- otherwise post to everyone on the list. |