Home | Maps of the Hyborian Age
Maps of the Hyborian Age
Note: If you would like to contribute to this site by drawing a map or two, please contact me.
Geographical Essays
World Maps
- Map of Hyboria: From the GURPS Conan book by Steve Jackson Games.
- Europe and Hyboria: Miller and Clark's map showing the world of Hyboria superimposed over the continent of modern Europe.
- Full-Color Map of Hyboria: Annotated with Norwegian names, as published by Bladkompaniet AS.
- Hyborian Culture Map. A map originally made by Howard (not REH!) for his play-by-email campaign (see the links page), showing the tech levels of the various Hyborian nations.
- Hyborian Map. A map of Robert E. Howard's Hyborian world which Jack Cook presented to Project Pride and which was auctioned off during the 2003 Howard Days in Cross Plains, TX.
- Giant Full-Color Hyboria Map. A large Hyborian map made by Chrysagon, who writes "I've worked this out with a basis made with Bryce and completed in Photoshop. I used Illustrator for labelling and such, then came back in Photoshop for final tuning. The Hyboria title and the north dagger were made in 3d Studio Max".
- Vincent's World Maps: Hyborian Age world maps by Vincent N. Darlage, who writes "I included maps without borders or words in case anyone wants to draw pre- or post-Conan era maps with it or something". Includes the west, the west (without borders or text), as well as the whole wide world, and the whole wide world (without borders or text).
Regional Maps
- Regional Maps from the Hyborian War game: By RSI, Inc. Includes Border Kingdom and Kush.
- Regional Maps from the Conan comic: By Marvel. Includes Aquilonia, Cimmeria, Stygia and Vendhya.
The Black Kingdoms: Maps by Vincent N. Darlage, based on the essay of Dale E. Rippke. Includes Amazon, Atlaia, Darfar, Kush, Punt, Punt (caravan trails), Southern Black Kingdoms, Tombalku, and Zembabwei.
- The Blue East: Maps by Vincent N. Darlage, based on the essay of Dale E. Rippke. Includes Ghulistan, Hyrkania (1), Hyrkania (2), Hyrkania (3), Iranistan, Khitai, Turan (1), Turan (2), Turan (3), Vendhya (1) and Vendhya (2).
- The Dreaming West: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Aquilonia, Argos, Brythunia, Cimmeria, Corinthia, Koth, Nemedia, Zamora, and Zingara.
- The Empty Wastes: The Eastern Desert by Vincent N. Darlage.
City Maps
- Arenjun, the City of Thieves: By Matthew J. Finch, who writes: "Most of [the map] is speculation based on common patterns of hill towns in the fertile crescent. The Maul is in the east, and I have assumed that Howard's language means that there is at least one other group of thieves with a different gathering place." Please note the unusual orientation of the compass rose!
- Numalia: By Vincent N. Darlage.
- Shumballa: By Vincent N. Darlage.
- Cities of Shem: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Asgalun, Nippr, and Sabatea.
- Cities of Stygia: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Amanopet, Erkulum, and Luxur.
Site Maps
Temples, palaces, dungeons, etc.
- The Tower of the Elephant: From the d20 adventure adaptation of Robert E. Howard's Tower of the Elephant story. Includes the Lower Levels, Middle Levels, and Upper Levels.
- Khawarizm Castle: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Overview, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Temple of Tarim, Sari Tanri Temple and Ewqaf Temple.
- The City of Shumballa: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Inner City of El-Shebbeh, Grand Palace of El-Shebbeh, and Barracks of El-Shebbeh.
- Castles and Palaces of the Hyborian Age: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Shemite Palace.
- Temples of the Hyborian Age: By Vincent N. Darlage. Includes Iranistani Temple, Khitan Ancestral Shrine, Shemite Temple, Stygian Temple, Stygian Temple Complex, Turanian Temple, and Vendhyan Temple. Also Temple of Mitra (Mitraeum) and Temple of Hanuman in Zamboula.
- Tombs and Crypts: Tomb in the City of Ghouls by Vincent N. Darlage.