Home | Classes of the Hyborian Age
Classes of the Hyborian Age
Alternate and New Core Classes 
- The Savant: A variant Scholar class for the Conan RPG. 5MB PDF Document.
Alternate and New Core Classes 
This list contains new and alternate core classes suitable for Hyborian Age campaigns.
Prestige Classes 
This list will eventually be expanded to full descriptions of these prestige classes.
- Barachan Pirate
- Black Seer of Yimsha
- Disciple of Yara
- Kothian Gladiator
- Sacred Guardian of Kutchemes
- Son of Yezm
- Vendhyan Kshatriyan
- Wizard of the Black Ring
- Wizard of the Scarlet Circle
- Wizard of the White Hand
- Zembabwan Wyvern-rider